Beard Transplants - Benefits, Cost, Results, & Are They for You?

beard transplant in delhi

"We will make your dream of having a mantastic beard line come true because you deserve it!" – DHTC

In essence, the overall growth of the beard can stop because of various reasons. It might occur due to your gene-related problems or hormonal issues. However, there’s a way to turn your luck around completely. Yes, you’ve guessed it right. If you do undergo the beard transplant procedure from DHTC, then you will be able to overcome your issue.

Table of Contents

  1. What is Beard Transplant?
  2. What are the methods used in Beard Transplant?
  3. What are the advantages of a beard transplant?
  4. What are the side effects of Beard transplant?
  5. What is the cost of a Beard Transplant and How long do the results last?

1. What is Beard Transplant?

A beard transplant does what your genetics and other factors won't allow you to do. It is almost like hair transplantation, to say the least. During the process, your doctor will remove the healthy follicles from the areas where the hair is the thickest.

After that, he or she will place them in the area where the beard is supposed to grow. The surgeon may pick out the follicles from a hidden section of your head for the sake of consistency. He will also implant them in a proper angle to make the beard look natural.

2. What are the methods used in Beard Transplant?

The procedure of beard transplantation can be done through two different methods. Here are a few details about them.

  • FUT or Follicular Unit Transplantation: During this particular procedure, your doctor will cut a strip of skin from your head and implement the follicles on your face after removing them.
  • FUE or Follicular Unit Extraction: This approach includes the harvesting of follicular cells individually from the donor section of your body. It is somewhat less painful than the previous option.

The steps of beard transplantation might include –

  • Harvesting: Before your doctor does anything else, he will, first, shave the donor area and harvest the follicles.
  • Implantation: After harvesting, the surgeon will use an anesthetic on your face and implant the follicles on it.
  • Recovery: The recovery procedure will include the usage of antibiotics and it will last for around 24 to 48 hours.

beard transplant in delhi

3. What are the advantages of a beard transplant?

The prime advantages of opting for beard transplantation are as follows –

  • The procedure is painless and, thus, its side effects are pretty minimal as well.
  • It is a permanent solution to your beard growth issue.
  • The scars (in the case of FUT) won’t be much visible.
  • It is quite affordable and, thus, can be done by almost everyone.
  • Safe surgical procedure
  • Requires only local anesthetic
  • Transplanted hairs function as normal hair

4. What are the side effects of Beard transplant?

The side effects of beard transplantation are pretty mild and trivial to say the least. Nonetheless, you might come across the following issues during the process.

  • Abrupt swelling on your face.
  • Tightness at one or both sides of your face
  • Redness in the newly-grown beard area
  • Temporary crustiness or scrubs on the face

These issues can be taken care of quite comfortably. Moreover, the doctors of DHTC will also offer you some precautionary advice so that you don't have to deal with these issues. The following are a few of them.

  • Do not go out in the sun without an umbrella.
  • Don't drink alcohol or smoke.
  • Avoid physical exertions.

5. What is the cost of a Beard Transplant and How long do the results last?

The approximate cost of a beard transplant in Delhi NCR starting at around Rs. 80,000, it usually depends on the number of grafts required. However, in DHTC, you will be able to get a customized price as per your needs and requirements.

The recovery period from beard transplantation generally lasts for around a week. After that, your beard will begin growing pretty quickly. Additionally, the result will be a permanent one. So, there is no need to worry about anything.

Take Away

In all honesty, a beard transplant is the best way to cure your issue of beard loss or fill gaps in the section. You will get a long-lasting and effective solution to your beard-related issues.